Thursday, July 22, 2010

A blog is born

OK, I have to be honest, this blog has existed for a while, and a lonely existence it has had. Due to spousal pressure to compose our lives into a blogging masterpiece, I am putting this once empty template to use. It may not be the most interesting thing you've ever read, but we love life and we love each other and we have TONS of fun so at least for our own viewing pleasure, we are going to write it down.

Life as of late:
We just moved from our wonderful, magical, shoe box of an apartment to a new (for us), larger, two-bedroom carpeted one, which suits us nicely for the time being. Reason for moving out of the magical, tiny shoe box: Landlord said no babies allowed. We thought to ourselves that we would just not renew our contract when the time came, but then our pals the Avarells were moving and offered us the apartment that we currently live in. We felt good about it, so here we are! Once we moved in we happened to take an unmistakably positive pregnancy test, therefore Baby Brooks already has a room to his/her self and carpet to crawl on (not a feature of the magic shoe box). Funny how things just work out perfectly. Thanks, Staci and Eric for letting us snuggle with your old place.

We are 16 weeks along in this pregnancy. Count 'em, Andrews! (Li, I believe you are the only one who understands this) 16! That's 4 months. Two more weeks and we are half way there. The good news is, nausea and most food aversions and feeling like I had been run over by a train every afternoon is pretty much gone (woo hoo). I am feeling large and in charge already. I definitely have a belly and I've even felt him/her move, which was way exciting. Darin is almost entirely sure it is a boy. I think it may be too, but have no basis for that, really. I am not sure I can trust any of this "mother's intuition" stuff. But if it is a boy, we'll name him Jackson and call him Jack. If it is a girl, probably Lily Jane. If you are a girl, little one, we are truly sorry for calling you he/him/boy for the last four months...five by the time an ultrasound can prove otherwise.

Anyway, if you want to keep up with our lives, stick around. Now that I have posted once, it might be harder to keep me off of here, so hopefully you'll see regular postings. We have pictures to be posted soon of California, Lake Powell, and some fun stuff in between like making empanadas, and our LOST cake, and finding the sexiest coats in existence at the Burlington Coat Factory.
